Uniform change

Here's our school dress code for 2024-2025.

Students will dress in navy blue or khaki pants, walking shorts, Capri pants, skirts, jumpers or skorts.

No blue jeans will be allowed.

All shirts and tops must be white, Kelly green, or navy, with no insignias. Spirit T-shirts may be purchased in the office for $10 and worn any day.

If undershirts are worn and visible, they must be uniform color.

Socks:  Students must wear socks.  Socks and tights should be white, black, or navy.

Belts:  Belts must be worn with pants and shorts having belt loops.  Belts must be black, brown, tan or navy.  Large oversized belt buckles that may cause a distraction are not allowed.  No novelty belts are allowed.

Shoes:  Students should choose footwear that is appropriate and comfortable for school wear.  These may include tennis shoes, regular street shoes, or dress shoes.  Sandals can only be worn with socks.  No beach shoes, slides, or backless shoes are allowed.  Additionally, no Crocs or Croc-like shoes are allowed.

Outerwear:  Students will place heavy jackets/coats in the areas provided in the classrooms (wall hooks, lockers, etc.)  If a jacket or outer wear is required during the school day, the students must wear lightweight navy uniform jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts.  Non-uniform jackets may NOT be worn in the classroom.